
How To Put In Contacts If Your Scared

Afraid of Inserting Contact Lenses? 5 Tricks to Overcome Your Fear

scared man in pink sweater with eyeglasses

Practice you love the idea of switching from glasses to contacts, but the thought of putting a contact in your middle freaks you out? Don't worry, you're not solitary. Many people have this fear. It's important to know that you tin can overcome this.

There are certain things you lot can utilise to move past your fear of inserting contact lenses. Read on for 5 tips that volition get the ball rolling!

one. Separate Fact From Fiction

facts written on cards on laundry line

While some people may take a existent phobia of touching their eyes, others hesitate considering of stories they've heard from others. A lot of these stories are myths or, at most, things that happened once as a fluke. So first things offset: let'due south dispel a few myths to put you at ease:

Myth #i: A Stuck Contact Lens Will Remain in My Middle Forever

While information technology's true that a soft lens can become stuck on the surface of the eye, it volition ever come up off. In most cases, all you lot have to do is use some eye drops and the wet will loosen it up.

Myth #2: A Contact Lens Can Go Lost Behind My Eye

You may have seen a contact lens flip nether someone'due south eyelid. Yeah, it's freaky! But information technology's technically incommunicable for the contact to move to the back of the eye and get lost forever. In fact, in that location is a thin membrane located back at that place that prevents this from happening.

Myth #iii: Contacts Are Extremely Uncomfortable and Painful

Many people are agape that once they put the contact lens in their heart, they are going to experience farthermost pain and discomfort. If this were the case, no one would ever wear contacts!

It'south true that contact lenses tin feel uncomfortable the kickoff couple times you habiliment them. This is normal. Similar whatever new affair, it will take you some time to become used to wearing contacts. Afterward a couple times, you won't fifty-fifty notice they're in there.

If your contact lenses don't feel right after a few days, run into your eye doctor. It could be that they're not the right fit, type or brand for you lot.

2. Do a Dry Run

For many people, the best matter to do to overcome their fear of contacts is a dry run. This means y'all need to practice touching your optics a few days in a row, leading up to the day y'all insert your contacts for the first time. Aye, it sounds a bit weird to be touching your centre a bunch of times, just it works.

Before you practise anything, make sure you've washed your easily. First by touching your eyelashes, upper and lower eyelids, and then finally, the white part of your eye. This should help desensitize your eyes and get your listen used to the thought of touching your eyeball. It's a psychological process that will help you understand that touching your eye is no big deal.

Too, talk over your fear of contacts with your optometrist. He or she tin can give you a trial pair of lenses yous tin can practice with. Enquire your eye doctor almost other options, such equally overnight contact lenses. This way, you'll limit the times you lot insert and have out your contacts.

3. Practice Not Blinking

closeup of woman inserting contact lenses

When an object is moving closer and closer to your eye, the natural reflex is to blink. Practice some exercises that volition help you resist this reflex. Practice non blinking past taking your alphabetize finger and placing information technology on the upper eyelid.

Then, take the thumb of the same hand, and place information technology on the lower eyelid. Finally, with your other hand, pretend you're putting lenses into your eyes. Brand sure the manus that is holding the eyelid open stays steady. And endeavour non to recall of it every bit your finger touching your eye. Instead, think of it equally placing a contact lens on top of your heart.

4. Await Away

When most people put in their contact lenses, they look directly at the finger with the contact on. This technique can work for some, but it doesn't work for everybody. With a little practice, you lot'll be putting your contacts in by looking away. But where do yous await, if not at the finger?

Beginning off, grab a mirror that you tin can sit down very close to. Position your confront by the mirror. Then, try to focus on the process of applying the contact lens rather than the thought of your finger touching your eye.

Pick a spot on the ceiling and focus on it. Then place the lens on the white part of the eye. It's ok if the lens doesn't land on your iris directly away. You can reposition the lens past closing your optics and looking around in different directions.

5. Go on Things Clean

contact lens on fingertip and cleaning solution

For a lot of people, the fear of contact lenses stems from a fear of germs. If yous're someone who worries about getting your eye dirty when inserting a lens, and then this tip is for you. To get over this fear, brand sure the lens and everything that comes in contact with it stays clean.

Before inserting a contact lens, wash your hands with a mild soap. And then, dry them off with a clean, lint-free towel. You lot tin can then utilize the lenses with a clean face gratis of makeup, creams and perfumes.

Make sure you clean and shop your contacts with the recommended solution when taking them out at night.

Final Thoughts

In that location'southward a lot you lot can do to overcome your fear of inserting contact lenses. Cleanliness is key! Spotless hands and a fresh face will ensure any infection is kept at bay. Clean and sterilize your contacts co-ordinate to the instructions on the packaging or your doctor's advice. You'll soon exist laughing well-nigh ever being afraid of putting in contacts!

Want to observe out more near these wonderful little medical devices? You can continue learning about contact lenses by checking out our blog.


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